Our Roots

Delaney grew up in a rural area in Wisconsin, but had no interest in farming until the summer after completing her undergraduate degree. She was looking for a break from all the studying, and stumbled upon an idyllic looking internship at Wollam Gardens, an incredible flower farm in Virginia. She spent the summer getting covered in dirt, cutting and processing more flowers than she could have imagined, collecting eggs from the farm hens (and fighting off the ornery rooster), and falling in love with flower farming. After returning to Wisconsin, she went on to get a Masters degree in Social Work and became a psychotherapist, but the farming bug stuck with her. In 2016, she met a city boy with farm dreams of his own…

Brandon grew up on the outskirts of Madison with a dream of someday working for Disney as an Imagineer. It wasn’t until he spent a year living in a Downtown Madison apartment and ended up spending more time in the basement parking garage repairing his old Ford Ranger than in his actual apartment that he realized he was not cut out for living that lifestyle. At about that time he fell hard for a girl that also desired a life of fields and animals.

Together: While dating, Brandon & Delaney worked weekends one growing season at Sunborn Gardens, another incredible flower farm in Mt. Horeb, and figured out they make a pretty good team. To practice growing their own food and flowers, they signed up for some community garden plots and trucked cucumbers and garlic and zinnias from the plot to their apartments. In 2018, they got married and had the wild idea to grow the majority of the flowers for their wedding. Briarwood Flowers was born shortly after! Since then, they’ve been following their dreams and having a blast working together on the farm, setting up weddings, and dreaming up each next step.


Our Farm - And Where We’re Going Now

We’ve been doing wedding floral design since a few months after our own wedding, and in the Fall of 2019, we bought the property in Spring Green and got to work turning it into our dream farm! We’ve been growing flowers and vegetables in a big garden since we moved here, and would use our flowers in whatever wedding designs we could. However, we were still ordering in so much product for weddings and a lot of it was ending up coming from all over the world - meaning a massive carbon footprint, murky growing practices, and tons of waste associated with each flower order. Not to mention the sourcing issues we’ve seen with the COVID pandemic! This just doesn’t fit our values, and while we had ordered local product whenever possible, it became clear that we really needed to ramp up our growing capacity and produce way more floral material, so that we can be in control of our sourcing and get our couples local, responsibly grown product for their weddings and events.

While we were at it, we decided to continue to grow and diversify our farm. We’ve had laying hens for several years, and added a little herd of 3 Nigerian Dwarf Goats to the farm in 2021. Eventually they’ll give us milk for our family and goat’s milk soap for our community! We care a ton about eating locally grown food that doesn’t contain chemicals, and meat that was grown with care and respect for the animals, so we’re bringing pastured chicken and pork into the farm business as well. And we’ll be sharing some of our farm-grown produce at the Spring Green Farmers Market too! We hope to be a source of food and flowers that you and your loved ones can depend on, a place where both health and beauty can thrive and be shared with the people you care about.